Derby’s Woolly Opossum For Sale
Here at Reptiles Heaven we have some Fantastic and Amazing Derby’s Woolly Opossum For Sale at great prices. Derby’s woolly opossum is the largest in the species, measuring 60 to 70 centimetres (24 to 28 in) in length and weighing between 200 and 400 grams (7.1 and 14.1 oz). The coat is dark, with a white-buff to golden-brown underbelly. The opossum is arboreal (lives in trees) and nocturnal (active mostly at night). Please feel free to request a male or female (or any combination thereof) when you order, but please be aware that we can guarantee the sex.
- Caluromys derbianus
- Captive Bred
- Males And Females Available
- Approximately 24 Inches In Total Length
- Adults Can Grown Up To 28 Inches Weighing Nearly One Pound
- This Omnivore Enjoys Fruits, Nectar, Insects And Even Smaller Vertebrates
Shipping Schedule
We charge a flat $50.99 for overnight delivery to your doorstep, regardless of the number of reptiles or amphibians you buy. Please read our shipping information page before ordering. Derby’s Woolly Opossum For Sale
Monday arrives Tuesday
Tuesday arrives Wednesday
Wednesday Arrives Thursday
Thursday Arrives Friday
Friday Arrives Saturday
If you order after 2pm on Monday, will ship Monday to arrive Tuesday.
If you order on Saturday, Saturday, Sunday we will ship on Monday.
Fun Facts About Derby’s Woolly Opossum For Sale Near Me
- This Species Has A Beautiful Golden-Brown Coat With Light Pink Ears
- These Are Flightly But Not Aggressive, Best For Experienced Handlers
- Feeding On Various Fruits, Crickets, Worms And Commercial Diets
- Native To Central America Ranging From Southern Mexico To Western Ecuador And Colombia
- Most Of This Species Length Is Its Prehensile Tail Which It Uses To Help Climb Trees And Balance
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